Source code for pytest_ngsfixtures.plugin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plugin configuration module for pytest-ngsfixtures"""
import os
import re
import pytest
from py._path.local import LocalPath
from pytest_ngsfixtures.config import layout, reflayout
from pytest_ngsfixtures.os import safe_mktemp, safe_copy, safe_symlink

_help_ngs_threads = "set the number of threads to use in test"

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("ngsfixtures", "next-generation sequencing fixture options") group.addoption( '--nt', '--ngs-threads', action="store", dest="ngs_threads", default=1, help=_help_ngs_threads, )
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): pass
[docs]class Fixture(LocalPath): """Fixture class to setup fixture represented as a :py:class:`~py._path.local.LocalPath` object pointing to the root test directory where data are located. Args: name (str): fixture name (one of testdata, samples, ref) request (_pytest.fixtures.SubRequest): pytest request object datakey (str): data key label path (str): test directory path; overrides call to tmpdir_factory Keyword Args: copy (bool): copy or link data data (dict): key value mapping of destination and source files dirname (str): fixture directory; prefixed by testunit if provided ignore_errors (bool): ignore errors should target file exist numbered (bool): create numbered test directories testunit (str): group tests in directory named testunit relative to tmpdir_factory basename """ def __init__(self, name='testdata', request=None, datakey='data', path=None, **kwargs): self._name = name self._request = request self._datakey = datakey self._path = path self._d = { 'copy': True, 'data': {}, 'dirname': '', 'ignore_errors': False, 'numbered': False, 'testunit': '', } self._d[datakey] = {} self._d.update(**kwargs) if self._request is not None: self._update_options() if self._datakey != 'data': self._d['data'] = self._d[self._datakey] assert isinstance(self._d['data'], dict), "'data' option must be a dictionary of dst:src value pairs" self._setup_fixture_data()
[docs] def keys(self): return self._d.keys()
def __getitem__(self, item): return self._d[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._d) def _update_options(self): for k in self.keys(): try: self._d[k] = self._request.getfixturevalue(k) except: pass if self._name in self._request.keywords: self._d.update(self._request.keywords.get(self._name).kwargs) def _setup_fixture_data(self): self._d['dirname'] = os.path.join(str(self._d['testunit']), self._d['dirname']) if self._request is not None: tmpdir_factory = self._request.getfixturevalue("tmpdir_factory") else: from _pytest.tmpdir import TempdirFactory tmpdir_factory = TempdirFactory(pytest.config) if self._path is not None: p = self._path else: p = safe_mktemp(tmpdir_factory, **dict(self)) self.strpath = str(p) f = safe_copy if self._d['copy'] else safe_symlink for dst, src in self._d['data'].items(): f(p, src, dst, ignore_errors=self._d['ignore_errors'])
[docs]@pytest.fixture def testdata(request, tmpdir_factory): """Return a temporary directory path object pointing to the root directory where generic test data are located. Examples: .. code-block:: python @pytest.mark.testdata(data={'foo.txt': 'bar.txt'}) def test_data(testdata): print(testdata.listdir()) """ return Fixture('testdata', request)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def samples(request, tmpdir_factory): """Return a temporary directory path object pointing to the root directory where samples are located. The samples directory path name can be changed with @pytest.mark.samples. In addition, the data layout can be parametrized with @pytest.mark.parametrize. Examples: .. code-block:: python @pytest.mark.parametrize("layout", [{'s1.fastq.gz': '/path/to/foo.fastq.gz'}, {'s2.fastq.gz': '/path/to/foo.fastq.gz'}]) @pytest.mark.samples(dirname="foo") def test_samples(samples, layout): print(samples.listdir()) """ return Fixture('samples', request, datakey="layout", layout=layout['flat'])
[docs]@pytest.fixture def ref(request, tmpdir_factory): """Return a temporary directory path object pointing to the location of reference files. The reference directory path name can be changed with @pytest.mark.ref(dirname="refdirname") Examples: .. code-block:: python @pytest.mark.ref(dirname="foo", data={'ref.fa': '/path/to/ref.fa'}) def test_ref(ref): print(ref) """ return Fixture('ref', request, datakey="reflayout", ignore_errors=True, reflayout=reflayout)