Source code for pytest_ngsfixtures.os

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import py
import pathlib
import logging
from pytest_ngsfixtures import DATA_DIR

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def safe_copy(p, src, dst=None, ignore_errors=False): """Safely copy fixture file. Copy file from src to dst in LocalPath p. If src, dst are strings, they will be joined to p, assuming they are relative to p. If src, dst are LocalPath instances, they are left alone since LocalPath objects are always absolute paths. Args: p (LocalPath): path in which link is setup src (str, LocalPath): source file that link points to. If string, assume relative to pytest_ngsfixtures data directory dst (str, LocalPath): link destination name. If string, assume relative to path and concatenate; else leave alone ignore_errors (bool): ignore errors should target file exist Returns: dst (LocalPath): link name """ if isinstance(src, pathlib.PosixPath): src = str(src) if isinstance(src, str): if not os.path.isabs(src): src = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, src) src = py.path.local(src) if dst is None: dst = src.basename if isinstance(dst, str): dst = p.join(dst) try: dst.dirpath().ensure(dir=True) if dst.exists(): raise py.error.EEXIST("copy('{src}', '{dst}')".format(src=src, dst=dst)) src.copy(dst) except OSError as e: if ignore_errors: logger.warn(e) else: logger.error(e) raise return dst
[docs]def safe_mktemp(tmpdir_factory, dirname=None, **kwargs): """Safely make directory""" if dirname is None: return tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp() else: p = tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().join(dirname).ensure(dir=True) if kwargs.get("numbered", False): p = tmpdir_factory.mktemp(dirname) else: p = tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().join(dirname) if not p.check(dir=1): p = tmpdir_factory.mktemp(dirname, numbered=False) return p
[docs]def localpath(src, path=DATA_DIR): """Generate a py.path.local path given a source and a path""" assert os.path.isabs(path), "path argument must be an absolute path" return py.path.local(os.path.join(path, src))